Micro Commercial Co - 30KP51A-TP

KEY Part #: K6000387

30KP51A-TP Verðlagning (USD) [9096stk lager]

  • 1 pcs$4.53062
  • 500 pcs$3.70629

Micro Commercial Co
Nákvæm lýsing:
TVS DIODE 51V 86.4V R-6. ESD Suppressors / TVS Diodes DIODE TVS 30KW 51V UNI-DIR R-6
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KEY Components Co, LTD er rafeindabúnaður dreifingaraðili sem býður upp á vöruflokka þar á meðal: Öryggi, Inrush núverandi takmörk (ICL), Fuseeigendur, TVS - díóða, TVS - blandað tækni, Hringrásarmenn, Thermal Cutoffs (Thermal Fuses) and TVS - Thyristors ...
We specialize in Micro Commercial Co 30KP51A-TP electronic components. 30KP51A-TP can be shipped within 24 hours after order. If you have any demands for 30KP51A-TP, Please submit a Request for Quotation here or send us an email:

30KP51A-TP Vörueiginleikar

Hlutanúmer : 30KP51A-TP
Framleiðandi : Micro Commercial Co
Lýsing : TVS DIODE 51V 86.4V R-6
Röð : -
Hluti staða : Active
Tegund : Zener
Einátta rásir : 1
Tvíátta rásir : -
Spenna - Aftur á móti (gerð) : 51V
Spenna - sundurliðun (mín.) : 57V
Spenna - Klemmun (Max) @ Ipp : 86.4V
Straumur - Hámarkspúls (10/1000 µs) : -
Kraftur - hámark púls : 30000W (30kW)
Raflínuvörn : No
Forrit : General Purpose
Rýmd @ Tíðni : -
Vinnuhitastig : -55°C ~ 175°C (TJ)
Festingargerð : Through Hole
Pakki / mál : R6, Axial
Birgir tæki pakki : R-6

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